Saturday, November 22, 2014

The College Experience at The University of Hawai'i at Manoa


PHYS 151 Lecture class at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Of course, college is not always fun at times-- the homework, the one-hour and 20 minute lectures; and the 3 hour science labs. However, there are many ways you can have fun while also learning something valuable.

Here is a list of things you can do to enrich your college experience:

1. Be Bold, Take a Risk and Give Non-major Related Courses a Chance
Don't just take courses that you need for your major. Try to diversify your schedule and explore new classes and academic departments that are of interest to you and/or courses that you have never heard of, but are curious about. Don't be afraid to step out of your field of study. If you have an interest in literature, art, science, and/or history, etc., don't hesitate and take the initiative to enroll yourself in these classes while you're still in college. It will also help broaden your mind and help you to see things from different perspectives, so that you can apply the knowledge you learn in these classes to the classes related to your field of study as well as to the field of study called "life".

The UH Manoa campus, in particular, has a number of amazing life-changing classes to enroll in. UH Manoa is also known for its' challenging curriculum in the arts, literatures and languages.

Recently, the university has been recognized as a teaching university specifically in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and has been granted permission to teach a professional Chinese curriculum under a national flagship program. This program aims to increase students' language proficiency level in Mandarin Chinese, so that each student can use their language knowledge in any sector of work that they choose to do. Students will also get free Chinese tutoring and this program will require students to take their major-related courses with instruction in Chinese. For example, if you are a Biology major, you have to take some Biology courses that are taught in Chinese to stay in the flagship program.

Here are some of the most interesting courses I've taken throughout my earlier years in college:
1. Biomimicry (Zoology)
2. Structure of Chinese (Chinese Linguistics)
3. Chinese Semantics and Communication (Chinese Linguistics)
4. Stories of Personal Peace (Peace and Conflict Education)
5. Introduction to Women's Studies (Women's Studies)
6. Introduction to Sociology (Sociology)
7. Dystopian Fiction (English)
8. Asian American Literature (English)

2. Get Involved and Be an Active Participant on Campus

Here are some of the coolest ways to get involved around campus:
1. Get involved in student government
2. Write for the college newspaper (they always need students to write a good story! This is not limited to writing, you can be a photographer, a comic artist, etc. So many different things to do!!)
3. Start your own club/organization (video game, dance, journalism, major-related clubs, etc.)
4. Join an athletic team (swimming, golf, cross country, soccer, etc.)
5. Volunteer (be a tutor on campus for difficult subjects, library volunteer, etc.)
6. Get an on-campus job (If you love to eat, why not work at your favorite eatery on campus?)
7. Study Abroad (travel around the world with a group of travel savvy students)
8. Participate in Internships
9. Do undergraduate research
10. Keep an eye out for giveaways, prizes and events around campus (talent shows, raffle drawings, social events, dances, movie night screenings)
11. Be a peer mentor or a peer-counselor (help students transition from high school to college life, give academic advice to fellow students and direct them to the right resources to achieve college success, etc.)
12. Be a campus tour guide for prospective students (help students navigate the campus, share your own experiences and what you've learned in college so far, give insight into what student life is really like. What are the best eateries on campus?)

3. Be Your Best Self and Have Confidence in What You Know. Then, Inspire Others To Do The Same.
Most Importantly, be your best self every single day and inspire others around you to do the same. Be an advocate for change in your college community.

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