Saturday, September 27, 2014

How to Find Personal Peace

Although everyone has a different way of finding personal peace. However, finding it or getting it back may not always be that easy.

Here are some ways that you can regain your sense of personal peace:

1. Listen to Your Favorite Music
Whether you like to listening to pop, indie or hip hop music, turn on your favorite song while you are riding in the car or on the bus. While you are listening to the song, close your eyes and sink yourself into the music. Imagine that you are the singer of that song. Then, create a mental image of what you might be wearing, whether or not you are dancing while singing, what your setting might be like. This will help you to escape from all your stress and whatever you were thinking about prior to this. Listen to the lyrics and the melody. What is the song saying? Then, relate your own experiences back to the song.

2. Get a Hobby
There's nothing more enjoyable than doing something that you actually like during your free time from school and work. If you enjoy leisure reading, take a trip to your local bookstore and browse all the aisles to find that hit bestseller that you've been waiting to read all these years. If you enjoy dancing, join a dance club at your school's campus or in your community's recreational center. There are usually a variety of dance clubs and classes that you can join. Plus, you'll get a great workout at the same time. If you don't have a hobby, but really want one, try to do a lot of different things in order to find your hobby. Ask yourself what kinds of things you are good in. What are your talents? skills? interests? strengths? Once you know your interests, finding your hobby will be a piece of cake.

3. Meditate
In order to let go of all your worries, do some meditation exercises which will help you to stay calm and keep your mind, body and soul happy. Although listening to music is one way of meditating, there are many other ways to meditate-- dancing, eating, exercising, playing a sport, reading, etc. Meditation has no limit. If you like to write, write about your day and your feelings--whether you are feeling angry, sad, happy...write whatever is on your mind and just spill it out on paper. This way, those thoughts will no longer be bothersome and annoying whenever you have to concentrate on your work or on your task. Just make sure that whatever type of meditation you choose, it suits your interests and it is something that you actually enjoy.

4. Go to Your Favorite Place
Is there a specific place where you can go to unwind and feel the most at peace? If so, spend some time there and be the observer. If your favorite place is the beach or near the ocean, set up a beach chair on the sand and watch the waves as they crash together and make their way back to the shoreline. As you watch the crashing waves, simultaneously let go of your worries and leave your stresses behind you; and let the ocean wash them away.

5. Create a Personal Peace Banner for Your Room
Buy a piece of fabric or canvas and decorate it using some colorful sharper markers. Draw what personal peace means to you. After you have finished designing it, you can hang your banner in your room. This is a great reminder of how you find your own personal peace and it helps you to stay true to yourself in times of struggle.

6. Volunteer in Your Community
Helping out your community is a great way to find personal peace because it will not only make you feel happy, but you will also make the person you are helping to be happy as well. Volunteer in something that you enjoy doing and that best suits your interests. There are a vast range of volunteer opportunities. If you are a pre-medical student and have interests in medicine, volunteer at your local hospital. If you have a passion for math, volunteer to be a math tutor at your school. The possibilities are endless.

7. Care for a Plant/Pet
Although getting a pet is a lot of responsibility, a pet can be a great addition to your life and your pet can be a great friend to have, especially when you are feeling down. If you decide that you don't want a pet, you can grow a plant or a garden. I recommend buying an older-looking sweet potato from your local farmer's market and growing potato slips directly from that sweet potato. It's an amazing event to watch how much your sweet potato will grow. The more you care for it and nurture it, the more it will grow. 

Sweet potato slips grown from an actual sweet potato that was bought at a local farmer's market.
If you want to grow your own, you'll need: a container, rocks, water, a sweet potato and sunlight.

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