Saturday, February 21, 2015

Strange Lies

It's always strange meeting an old classmate or an old friend
one of the weirdest things
both parties recognize each other, but just pretend like they don't
move on with their lives as if nothing happened
can even sit by each other and never move a muscle
in their lips and in their tongues to say, "Remember me?"
Maybe, it's a fear thing
a kind of fear on both sides
an irrational one
that person over there will know all of your secrets
if you just admit
you're that person from the past.

No one likes to admit that.
It's just the way life goes,
the constant playing of guessing games
to keep their lives private,
concealing all their darkest secrets within themselves.
Walk out gracefully
with shoulders back and chin high
standing tall as if a string were attached
keeping the shoulders upright,
preventing one's posture from slumping
determined to show each other that they've changed
resilience to fight no matter the battle
that they are strong.
This time, they give it their 110 percent
to show each other that everything they thought they knew
is all just one big, fat lie.

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